口语侠 > 口语问答 > 职场常用英语口语有哪些?
  • 职场常用英语口语有哪些?

    2020-05-02 | 3个回答 | 452人关注


  • 135******49 | 2020-05-02
    I had already missed my flight, and the next one wasn’t until that evening. 我已经错过了航班,下一个航班直到当天晚上才起飞。 I wonder if you could help me-I’d like some information about flights to New Zealand. 不知您能否帮我一下 —— 我想了解一些飞往新西兰的航班信息。
  • 181******46 | 2020-05-02
    We registered at a three-star hotel near the company. 我们在公司附近的一家三星级酒店登记入住。 What’s our schedule for this morning? 今天上午我们的日程安排是什么? The meeting has been scheduled for this afternoon. 会议安排在今天下午。
  • 150******94 | 2020-05-02
    After a six-hour flight and a long day of meetings, it’s not surprising you’re exhausted. 经过六小时的飞行和整日的多次会议,你筋疲力尽一点也不奇怪。 I need your cooperation to make this event a success. 为促使这次活动圆满成功,我需要你们的合作。 We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters. 我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。 Can we leave our baggage at the hotel until it is time to leave for the airport? 去机场前,我们可以把行李一直留在酒店吗?