口语侠 > 口语问答 > 商务英语口语历年考试题目和答案。
  • 商务英语口语历年考试题目和答案。

    2020-10-21 | 3个回答 | 791人关注


  • 147******36 | 2020-10-21
    Part1   1.Talk something about your job or study andyour future plan.   2.Talk something about your work or studyplace.   3.What brand name means to Chinese?   4.Do you think the working life has changed inChina?   5.What do you like most about your major andwhat's your ideal employer?   6.what qualification do you think is the most important when work in China?   7.服务业为什么重要   8.为什么要从国外进口产品   9.理想的employer是啥样   10.中国的tourist industry以后发展如何
  • 181******99 | 2020-10-21
    1,你跟傲慢的人相处得来吗?为什么? Do you get along well with arrogant people?Why? 2,我们通过做什么能够减少污染?不乱扔垃圾、控制车数量...... What can we do to reduce pollution?Don't throw rubbish everywhere,control the number of cars. 3,国庆假期你是怎么过的?去哪了?玩得开心吗? How did you spend the National Day holiday?Where did you go?Did you have fun? 4,你知道她体型为什么走样了吗?因为她吃了太多的垃圾食品。 Do you know why she is out of shape?Because she eats too much junk food. 5,“不要以貌取人。”你同意这个观点吗? Don't judge a person by his/her appearance,do you
  • 151******49 | 2020-10-21
    What are the positive and negative qualities of leaders?  Every leader has positive and negative qualities. This is because few leaders are absolutely terrible and no leaders are absolutely perfect.Leaders tell people what to do and how to act. This means that leaders need to have good character,such asstanding behind your rules and regulations; understanding your staff ,and the ability to look at information and quickly make a clear decision.But there are also negative qualities, such as ign