口语侠 > 口语问答 > 关于疫情的英语口语简单对话有哪些?
  • 关于疫情的英语口语简单对话有哪些?

    2020-11-02 | 3个回答 | 7061人关注


  • 147******73 | 2020-11-02
      A:口罩是防止我们感染的有效工具,我们应该正确佩戴,你知道怎么正确佩戴口罩吗?      A: Masks are effective tools to prevent infection. We should wear them correctly. Do you know how to wear one correctly?      B:口罩要调整到符合我们的脸型,才能防止飞沫传播。      B: The mask should be adjusted to fit your face shape to prevent the spread of droplets.
  • 136******52 | 2020-11-02
    一 Honey,The epidemic is coming. We need to stay at home.(宝贝,疫情来了,我们要待在家中。) 一Mommy, I'm so scared.(妈妈,我很害怕。) 一Don't be nervous, my girl. We can protect ourselves.Remember,wear masks when going out, wash hands often at home, and do not go to crowded places.(不必紧张我的姑娘,我们完全可以保护好自己。记得出门戴口罩,在家勤洗手,不去人员密集的地方。) 一I see. As long as we all pay attention, it will be defeated, right?(我明白了。只要我们多注意,疫情就会被打败,是吗?) 一Yes, the people of our country are united and  we will defeat it. girl,spring is on the way.(是的,
  • 159******48 | 2020-11-02
    A:最近新冠病毒特别严重,你知道应该怎么预防吗?    A: The new coronavirus has become very serious recently. Do you know how to prevent it?    B:我们要避免和有发热、呼吸道疾病症状的人群接触,还应该注意室内通风。    B: We should avoid contact with people who have symptoms of fever and respiratory diseases, and pay attention to indoor ventilation.