口语侠 > 口语问答 > 2020托福口语考试真题题库与答案解析。
  • 2020托福口语考试真题题库与答案解析。

    2020-09-21 | 3个回答 | 547人关注


  • 170******60 | 2020-09-21
    Task1    School is planning to forbid the use of cellphone on campus.What do you think are the effects of the policy?   Sample Answer:    The prohibition of using cellphone has both positive andnegative effects on students.   Merits are that cellphone is a useful tool for students inmany aspects of their daily lives. The multifunction of a cellphone can be alot help to them when it comes to checking new vocabularies and learning extracurriculum online.    However, One the other hand, the mis
  • 138******54 | 2020-09-21
    Friends 朋友   1. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of friends? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. ★ [2007.1.26]   One of the characteristics for a friend I would prefer most is honesty. I think honesty is the foundation of a friendship. If friends cheat mutually and then there would be no trust between them. How can they even make friends? Secondly, a good friend should be reliable. Everybody certainly appreciate a fr
  • 150******00 | 2020-09-21
    大家常说的托福口语真题有两种,一种是ETS给出的官方练习题官方真题Official,还有一种是考生考完以后对于本次考试做出的考场真题回忆。我们来详细说说这个两个。 官方真题Official是托福官方给出的综合练习题,里面包含托福口语部分。官方真题Official的托福口语部分是托福以往考过的口语真题,但是以后不会再用。所以ETS给出的官方真题Official练习题也就是托福口语的真题。它的参考价值很高,考生可以通过做官方真题Official口语真题了解托福口语考试的难度,感受考试的氛围,帮助考生更好地把握考试时间。除了官方给出的官方真题Official之外,网上也能搜到一些官方真题Official模考软件,可以免费使用。