雅思口语教育类话题 雅思口语词汇之教育类词汇

  • 作者:菜菜子
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  • 阅读:870




Is that a very popular subject to study in your country?

(If yes):

Yeah, I suppose it is quite a popular subject to study, and one of the reasons for this would probably be that a lot of students feel that this major will be useful in helping them find a good job after they graduate.


(If no):

I guess I probably wouldn't say so, no, mainly because it's a relatively new major in China, and as far as I know, there are not that many universities in China which offer this course.


Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study?

(If yes):

Yeah, I'd say it is quite challenging, mainly because of the huge workload we get. So for example, we’re given a considerable amount of coursework to do, which always requires a ton of background reading!


(If no):

Actually, I wouldn't really say so, partly because we're not given that much work to do, and also because it's essentially not that complex (a subject), so everything's relatively easy to understand.


What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies?

I guess I normally either ask a coursemate for help or go on the internet to try and solve the problem myself. And if I'm still stuck, then I'll go and ask my lecturer for help, but this would be as a last resort, as I don't really like to bother my lecturers unless I really need to.



How did you learn science at school?

Well, we mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other subjects. Though saying that, we occasionally did some experiments, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far between.


Why did you choose ...as your major?

Basically it was due to the fact that my parents thought it was a useful major which would stand me in good stead after I graduate. Personally I'm not so sure, but seeing as I couldn't think of anything better, I went with my parents' decision.


What do you like about your major?

That's a good question, and I guess basically the thing I find most enjoyable about my major is analyzing case studies of various international companies operating in China, because for me, stories are the best way to learn things. And as well as this, I also like the fact that our lectures are quite interactive, because we are encouraged to ask questions instead of just sitting and making notes, and this tends to make the lectures much more interesting.


What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?

Well it's really hard to say, because obviously both play an important role, but I guess I'd say the student is probably more important because generally speaking, most studying is done out of the classroom - at least that's the way I see it!



instruction, education 教育

culture 文化

primary education初等教育

secondary education中等教育

higher education高等教育

the threer's读、写、算(Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic)

school year 学年

term, trimester 学季

semester 学期

school day教学日

school holidays 假期

curriculum 课程

subject 学科



class, lesson课




spelling mistake拼写错误

(short) course短训班


playtime, break课间,休息

to play truant, to play hooky逃学,旷课

course (of study)学业

student body学生(总称)

classmate, schoolmate同学






swot, grind用功的学生

old boy老生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者

teaching staff教育工作者(总称)


primary school teacher 小学老生

teacher lecturer 大学老生





deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长

rector 校长



雅思找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下小编在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让小编感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。小编长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,小编也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。




雅思口语Part1答案: Teachers老师1. What do you think of teachers?

Teachers normally serve as role models, because students and young childrenare likely to imitate their behaviour. So, teachers should have high moral standards.Moreover, elementary school teachers should be patient enough, because thesestudents are naughty and lack self-discipline.


2. Did you (do you) like your high school teachers?

I love my teacher, well I think, I can say she is a qualified teacher that she notonly provides instruction in literacy and numeracy, but also teaches us the arts andlife skill. Well, overall, we can learn both academic knowledge and extracurricularexperiences in her class.


3. Do you think it' s important to like your teachers?

Well, I think, it' s quite important. In fact, teachers have huge influence on howstudents perceive the course materials. Students who love their teachers show greatenthusiasm towards the course and have positive attitude.


4. Do school students in China like their teachers?

Nope, they don' t. Teachers are normally expected to act a substitute parentsrather that friends. Plus, teachers often inflict corporal punishment as a form ofschool discipline to those students who disobey the rules.


5. Do you think there are any benefits from teachers being strict with students?

Um.. no, I think, being too strict would cause detrimental effects on students.They may get discouraged by the criticism and have no passion or interest to

continue their study. Consequently, they have no confidence to face the challengesof study and life in the future.


6. What qualities should a good teacher have?

Well, becoming a qualified teacher requires compassion, dedication, hard workand a lot of patience, especially when teaching in an elementary school. Teachershould have the ability to explain new concepts and frequently communicate andinteract with parents, teachers and students.


雅思口真题Study):Where do you study

Where do you study?What's your favourite subject?What subject do you dislike?Why?Do you like your secondary schoo!?

参考答案| study in Guangdong University of Finance & Economics.Well, I'd like to say I like English best.

Er, the subject I really don't like is Calculus. Because you know, I am always bad

at mathematics and I have already failed in the Calculus exam for twice, so to behonest, I am kind of afraid of it.

Yeah, I like my secondary school very much because I had met severalschoolmates who later became good friends of mine. I am grateful for it.

雅思口语真题之教育学习与工作(Work):Describe your job in detail

I am an Engineer. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning thefollowing points: Firstly, I work for a large construction company. To be moreprecise, we specialize in the building of railway bridges. Secondly, I would like tomention that I am in the designing department. We have to look at the site for anew bridge, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have tomake recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.



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